

Tuesday 10 April 2012

P3 Bridging Students: Chinese Oral Pointers (Picture description)

Some pointers for Oral ExamPicture Description

1.   Beginning

( zhS )( fV )( tV )( miBo )( shX )( de )( shI )( yF )( gS )______________( dI )( fAng )
Eg. This picture depicts a scene of a ______________ (place)

2.   Development
Talk about the picture using this process:
·       ACTION describe what is happening.
·       EXPRESSION talk about their feelings and what they are probably thinking of and give reasons why.
·       OPINION talk about what you think, what may happen next and your opinions on what should and should not be done.

Action ( yMu )( gS )( nBn )( hBi ) ( hQ )( n_ )( hBi )( zDi )( yW )( zhKng )( pCo )There is a boy and a girl running in the rain.
Expression ( tA )( men )( kDn )( qH )( lBi )( hRn )( nBn )( wSi )( qGng )( yFn )( wSi )( tA )( men )湿( shF )( tNu )( le )They look embarrassed as they are totally drenched.

Opinion ( tA )( men )( yFng )( gAi )( shI )( wDng )( le )( dDi )( yW )( sCn )( tA )( men )( dDo )( xuQ )( xiDo )( hNu )( yF )( dIng )( huI )( hRn )湿( shF )They must have forgotten to bring an umbrella and they will be very wet when they reach school.

Some phrases you can use to talk about:

( yMu )( yF )( gS )( nBn )( shI )……
There is a man
( yF )( gS )( nBn )( hBi )/( n_ )( hBi )( xiCng )……
A boy/girl is trying to
( yMu )( jH )( gS )( xiCo )( hBi )……
There are a few children

( tA )( men )( kDn )( qH )( lBi )( sI )( hU )( juQ )( de )( hRn )( qG )( guDi )……
They look puzzled
( tA )( xiCng )( yNng )( lBi )( sI )( hU )( hRn )( mCn )( yI )( tA )( de )……
He seems to be very satisfied with his
( nD )( ge )( n_ )( hBi )( kDn )( qH )( lBi )( hRn )( hDi )( pD )……
It is apparent that the girl looks frightened,
( cLng )( tA )( men )( de )( biCo )( qGng )( wM )( kR )( yH )( kDn )( de )( chU )( tA )( men )( hRn )( kAi )( xFn )……
From their facial expressions, I can say that they appear to be happy
( tA )( kDn )( qH )( lBi )( hRn )( zhBo )( jG )……
She is apparently looking anxious

( wM )( juQ )( de )( nD )( ge )( nBn )( shI )( biCo )( xiDn )( dQ )( hRn )( shPng )( qI )……
It seems to me that the man is reacting in an angry manner and
( tA )( yFng )( gAi )( zDi )( xiCng )( zI )( jH )( gAi )( rV )( hQ )( bAng )( nD )( mGng )( lCo )( tDi )( tai )……
He is probably thinking of how he can help the old lady

( wM )( xiCng )I think,
( wM )( xiAng )( xIn )I believe,
( wM )( yH )( wQi )I expect,
( yF )( wM )( kDn )I suppose,
( wM )( gS )( rQn )( rSn )( wQi )Personally, I feel that,
( wM )( de )( kDn )( fC )( shI )In my opinion,
( hRn )( mGng )( xiCn )( de )It is evident that ,
( wM )( rSn )( wQi ) I can conclude that

You can also talk about the relationships between the people in the picture. You can use words like: probably etc
eg. The lady standing next to the girl could be the mother and
     ( nD )( mGng )( zuN )( zDi )( n_ )( shPng )( pBng )( biAn )( de )( fX )( n_ )( kR )( nQng )( shI )( tA )( de )( mA )( ma )……

3.   Closure:
End with 2 questions in mind
·       What will you do if you were one of the characters in the picture and Why? If I werebecause
( rV )( guM )( wM )( shI )( tA )( wM )( huI )……( yFn )( wSi )……

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