

Thursday 19 April 2012

P1 First Show and tell Test: Explaination in English

You need to fill in the blank with one of the point provided. After you have filled in all the blank you need to copy your 4 sentences on the last page. Lastly, you need to present in class. Enjoy!

1.( wM )( zuI )( xH )( huAn )( de )( wBn )( jX )( shI )______________________
  My favourite toy is______________________.
·       ( kC )( piDn )Cards (Example: Animal Kaiser card ( dNng )( wX )( kC )etc)
·       ( bX )( wB )( wa ) Doll
·       ( xiCo )( fPi )( jF ) Small Aeroplane
·       ( jF )( qI )( rQn ) Robot
·       ( zV )( qiV ) Soccer Ball
·       ( xiCo )( xiLng )Bear
·       ( yLu )( xI )( jF ) Game Station
·       ( wBn )( jX )( qiAng )Toy Gun
2( zhS )( ge )( wBn )( jX )( shI )______________________
      This toy is ______________________.
·       ( bD )( ba )( mCi )( gRi )( wM )( de )
  given to me by my Father
·       ( mA )( ma )( gRi )( wM )( de )( shPng )( rI )( lH )( wX )
  a birthday present given to me by my mother
·       ( wM )( de )( pQng )( you )XX( sNng )( gRi )( wM )( de )
  a present given to me by my friend, (Name).
3( tA )______________________
      It ______________________.
·       ( shI )( lBn )( sS )( de )
  is blue in colour
·       ( yMu )( hRn )( duK )( bX )( tLng )( de )( tV )( Dn )
  has many different pictures on it
·       ( hRn )( ruCn )is soft
·       ( yMu )( liCng )( gS )( lVn )( zi ) has 2 wheels
4( wM )( xH )( huAn )( zhS )( ge )( wBn )( jX )( yFn )( wSi )__________________
     I like this toy , because
Some suggestions:
·       It is fun ( tA )( hRn )( hCo )( wBn )
·       It is cute( tA )( hRn )( kR )( Di )

·       It is special  ( tA )( hRn )( tS )( biQ )
·       Its my first present ( tA )( shI )( wM )( de )( dI )( yF )( fSn )( lH )( wX )

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